If a picture says a thousand words, this one at least says yummmmmmm!

By a show of hands, how many men out there don't understand women? Ok fellas you can ALL put your hands down now. Here's something you might as well embrace, you never will. Please.....understanding a woman is so complex, you could hurt yourself even trying. We really don't mean to be this way, its just the way it is.

So, I'm hear to help. While you may never understand women, here is one thing you need to know....women love chocolate. Sure there are a few exception, but stop asking yourself why, that just brings you back to trying to understand women. Don't go there! It's for your own good!

Women love chocolate! We like chocolate cake, pie, cookies, bars. Give us chocolate filings and toppings and dips. We like the smell, the taste, how it melts in our mouth. And you may actually be surprised that chocolate is good for you. It is! (in moderation) Just web browse the research and be amazed.

So if your in the doghouse, just broke our favorite vase or tracked mud through the entire house....AGAIN. Maybe a spot of chocolate would help. Hey it may even help with that mother-in-law you can't seem to please. Just a thought!


  1. I am here saying that this chick CONSTANTLY has mud and hay tracked through the house...chocolate? Never get it...would it help? She-ya!!

  2. Men are like chocolate in many ways. Some are sweet, some are semi-sweet but like chocolate you girls can't get along without us.

  3. Hey Keri, are you saying I should have your men folk follow my blog for hints?!?!


Time Marches On!

 So first it has to be said....  19 DAYS TIL SPRING! Ok, now that I've got that outta the way I'll move on.  I'd like to say eve...