Have you ever wanted
something, but just couldn't put your finger on what it is that you want? What
it would take to satisfy that craving?
You maybe eat this or
buy that and still haven't filled that need. The problem at this point isn't
what you ate or bought to fill the need, the problem is, you never stopped to
figure out what you really want.

When all you can think
about is, "I want chocolate", well that can be satisfied from a simple candy
bar to a delicious warm chocolate lava cake....yummmmm.... when you ease your
fork into the cake and the chocolate just oozes....
Oh wait.... what was I
talking about.... oh yeah, the hard stuff. The stuff that keeps you up at
night. Admitting that you just don't know is a good start. From there you can
whittle down, where is the need coming from? Is it emotionally based,
physically, spiritually, mentally, financially, or are you just hungry?
Now I may joke, but many
of us have made a wrong decision or two just out of the frustration of not
knowing what it is we want. Come on, admit it.
Here are my thoughts on
some things to do when those times come around (in random order):
- Don't make hasty decisions. Another day or week to get
it right is ok.
- Don't take your frustrations out of those you love (or
any other innocent bystander). They don't understand what you're going
through. How can they, you're not even sure what the problem is yourself;
but they love you and want to support you.
- Determine what you don't want. Sound crazy? It can
bring clarity to what you do want.
- Forgive yourself. You heard me! Don't let your mistakes
or bad choices of the past destroy your future. The mentality of
"well I got what I deserve" can imprison you.
- Don't underestimate yourself. You keep telling yourself
you can't, you can't, and guess what; you won't.
Now you may be thinking
"that's it".... no... each of us will find bullet points in our own
lives we could add. These are just some points that we should all embrace. And
remember, you are not the first or only person to be standing at a crossroads
trying to determine what to do next.
And one final thing....
try not to settle. If you really want the lava cake, the chocolate bar (while tasty), will only satisfy you for a short time and the need will arise again.
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