Monday.....Laundry......(and possibly the inhilation of too much laundry soap)!

What causes me to stop in mid-laundry to blog? Is it because the smell of fresh laundry brings to mind thoughts to share? Or perhaps that sense of accomplishment that needs to be fulfilled? Possibly (and more likely) it's the fact that each load requires me to go up & down two flights of stairs! Is clean underwear THAT important one asks oneself?!?! According to Mom's nationwide & for generations the answer is YES! Oh come now, we have all heard it......"put on clean underwear in case you have to go to the hospital." Let's consider this...I mean really, what are our options here! Your in need of serious and immediate medical attention and your response to the EMS is, "NO, you can't take me to the hospital, I'm not wearing clean underwear!" I think not. What??? Are they not going to treat us without them!

Laundry is one of those things that's seem a never ending battle. Seriously, I'm single, how is it I have this much laundry all the time, and more importantly, what happens to the other sock in the dryer. I can understand families has sock mishaps where one person is short a sock & it's in someone elses drawer, but it's just me. My cat is not wearing my socks, how can I keep coming up short a sock. To make matters worse, I'm missing one of my rubber ducky socks that my sister-in-law Linda gave me. I like those socks! (If anyone finds a black sock with little rubber duckies on it in their drawer, it's MINE, kindly give it back!)

This is what happens to ones mind when they do laundry on Monday. Isn't the fact that it's Monday enough. I had a good day though & am continuing to do so. In perspective, even a couple of Mondays ago when I got up to find cat puke in my favorite sandals, it was ok. Seriously, I have a cat for company, have sandals for me feet, have two feet that work fine & had an amuzing story for the day....really a lot to be thankful for.

So here it is.....put on your clean underwear, clean the cat puke out of your shoe & get out there! Don't let life stop you from living! :o)

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