All you every wanted to know about me (or maybe not)...

Ok here's me in a nutshell (possibly cause I'm a nut). I'm a single woman, very fluffy and am __ years old! maybe that's a little vague! Here's my point though. My marital status, appearance, age, they aren't the sum of me. They are a very small part of the woman I am. Let's stop pretending that keeping up with a certain group or style of people is worthwhile. It's not. If it keeps you from being the person you are what's the point.

Being single does not mean I don't understand love.

Being fluffy does not mean I'm lazy or of lesser value.

Being 42 (There I said it! lol) doesn't limit what I can do or the dreams I can pursue.

There's nothing wrong with me. Does this come as a surprise? It shouldn't. Do I have flaws? YEP! Do I sometime wish some things about me were different? YEP! Do I need to look, act or be like someone else? NOPE! Take a look at yourself. Accept yourself as you are. Then if you decide to get married, or change your appearance, or do something different with you life, you won't loose yourself along the way. You'll just enhance all that you already are!

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