It's a new day!

Thank you to Andrei for the snapshot!
Sunrise...the start of a new day. The opportunity to find happiness, love, hope and purpose. Each day the sun comes up and shines. Some days its bright and clear, somedays its hidden, but each day it shines. We have that same ability. We can't always control what's around us or things that get in our way, but we can still shine. We can choose happiness, kindness, integrity, loyalty, love and to find the positive.
Sunset...the end of the day. A time for rest. An indicator that you made it through and that a new day is on the way. A good time to be thankful for the good and to consider changing the bad, because with the sunrise comes a new day!


Time Marches On!

 So first it has to be said....  19 DAYS TIL SPRING! Ok, now that I've got that outta the way I'll move on.  I'd like to say eve...