Spring ahead....ummm....oops missed that....lol!

Ok here's a big thank you to smart phone technology that updates the time change without my assistance! Oh yeah I need that.

Sure I knew the clocks were springing ahead Saturday night, but I may have temporarily put that info on the back burner. Needless to say when I started for bed at 1:00 AM Saturday night (Sunday morning) and realized it was really 2:00 AM I gasped!

Now some might find this discouraging, but being the smiley optimistic person I am I thought "Hey lets blog!" LoL

So, show of hands, how many of you forgot to? Come on you can tell me. I bet there's a few more out there that are glad at least their cell/smart phone has the good sense to pay attention. I'm not sure I'll ever totally get the point of the times changes...lol...but it sure is nice to have it bright in the morning before work and on the way home.

Did I tell ya its 10 days til spring? I know, I know, there's a big snow storm scheduled for this week, but that doesn't change the fact that spring IS coming. Think of it as winters way of putting up a fit before spring like a child does that doesn't want to go to sleep. Sure they fuss and fume and let it all out, but inevitably they're snoozing.

They moral or my ranting (if I ever really have a reason) is this, we may not be able to control the circumstances around us, but choose to look on the bright side!

Any by the way....does anyone know when the clocks fall back? Hahahaha!

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Time Marches On!

 So first it has to be said....  19 DAYS TIL SPRING! Ok, now that I've got that outta the way I'll move on.  I'd like to say eve...