Imagination Superpower!

I just wanted to stop for a moment and thank each of you that read my little blog. I have loved to write for as long as I remember, and knowing that people willingly (no your not getting paid if that's what you thought) read my blog makes me happy.

For some, words don't come easy. For me, when I want to share, bless or entertain, well ya can't shut me up! Early on I realized that the written word was a playground for my imagination. In my opinion, imagination is a powerful thing that shouldn't be ignored or underutilized. Why? Well thank you for asking.....
the act or power of forming a mental image of something not
present to the senses or never before wholly perceived in reality

Armed with that we could walk on the moon. Discover new lands. Have the courage to tell the world "I have a dream". We could build forms of transportation so that people could get around faster. We could irrigate the land to grow crops to feed the hungry. We could look across a crowded room and at first sight see a future with the one smiling back. A dad could hold his new born baby girl and see himself walking her down the isle one day. 

So what am I saying EXACTLY? 

Go to the closet. Get out your superhero cape, dust it off, put it on and get your imagination superpower to work. I imagine it will make a difference!

Oh...and by the way, Faith is defined in:
Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Coincidence? I think not.


Time Marches On!

 So first it has to be said....  19 DAYS TIL SPRING! Ok, now that I've got that outta the way I'll move on.  I'd like to say eve...