Today is the first day of Spring!
but wait.....
It doesn't look like spring?
Look at the snow. There are no tulips. No robins. Why aren't there buds on the trees?
It doesn't feel like spring?
You can't switch to a light jacket. We hit a high of 32 today, but that's freezing. You can't take a deep breath and smell the spring air;you'd freeze your nostrils! Even the sap won't run. must not be spring. I mean sure the calendar says it's spring, but I can't see any signs. I don't see what I think should be there. I don't feel like its spring, so it must not be spring.
News Flash: It IS Spring!
You may be thinking "Ok Anita, so what's your point?" Well I'm glad you asked, because my point is that's how many people feel about God. God must not exist? I can't see him. I can't touch him. I can't hear his voice.
But the truth is, if you truly know him, you can do all those things.
Knowing there is a God isn't enough. James 2:19 says: You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that--and shudder. You have to have a relationship with him. You have to pray "God, I believe in you, I believe that Jesus is your son, that he came to earth and died for my sins, rose from the grave and lives with you in glory. God please forgive me of my sins and fill me with your Holy Spirit." That simple prayer puts you in a right relationship with him (and makes you heaven bound). Now, get to know him. Pray (fancy word for talking with God) and read your Bible (which is the Word of God talking to you) and you'll grow to know him more and more. You will begin to see his hand at work, see the beauty around you, hear his voice direct (and yes correct) you. It's not about feelings, it's about knowing.
News Flash: God is real!
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