
It's nice when someone is thoughtful. When they notice your effort. Notice your care. Take this week for instance. My boss gave everyone in the office flowers and paid for us to have a wonderful lunch together for "worker bee" day. Not a big deal??? Of course it's a big deal!!! It feels good when you put your all into your job and the "boss" notices and is grateful.

We can all take a part in being thankful and showing it to people that influence our lives. Don't take for granted the blessings received by those that love and support you most. It's easy to allow those things they do that fall under their heading of parent, husband, wife, son, daughter, friend to be taken for granted. You will find in life that true love is in the small things, the smile when your blue, the hug when your not feeling well, loyalty in the face of anger, faithfulness in thick and thin, even in a box of chocolates. My advice to us all is take notice of those that care for's a blessing we shouldn't neglect!

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