To be honest, I often dread Wednesday. Not that there is anything wrong with this particular day of the week, but I work both jobs on Wednesday, so it's rush from one thing to another and add a 30 miles drive in between, well you get the picture! I'm not going to complain about having 2 jobs, no way! In a time when one job is hard to find, I am thankful for what I have. I'm blessed really.
This particular Wednesday has been hard to believe. My life is a comedy routine, and I choose to laugh along in it. For those of you who don't know, we got SNOW and lots of it yesterday and through the night. We were all without power for more hours than I care to admit to for the end of April. With no electricity, it was time to start the wood stove. Then this morning I found my fish dead. Forgot to condition my hair in the shower (I then raked, not combed my hair). Stopped to get a hot chocolate on the way to work and proceeded to spill it on the front on myself getting into the car. (I won't even mention the cat poo I had to clean up because of her nerves from the snow coming off the roof all night!) All of this on a Wednesday, and still worked 2 jobs, and you know what......still smiling!
Yes, I have bad days. In fact last year was the worst year of my life emotionally. But I choose to be happy. I won't sugar coat the struggles and heartache we all go through. I can't. It's those times that define us, strengthen us, sometime change us. Stop and take a look what you see ugly and hopeless, or do you see beauty and potential? If you see ugly and hopeless, try to change the way you view life. No, it's not always easy. It's a choice. I could have let hot chocolate spilling down my blouse ruin my mood and day, or I could make it a whitty story for my friends to brighten theirs. I hope your all smiling! :O)
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