Now Hear This!!!

There is a 100% chance you are going to die someday. Shocking but true, and I think it is time that we all embrace this fact of life....death. Seem like a depressing topic coming from me who finds humor in just about anything? It’s not….it’s just the facts. Shouldn’t that very fact make each day have more value? Each hug more precious. Each friendship more meaningful. Sound sappy….maybe….but….

A show of hands, how many of you have heard that song “Live Like You Were Dying”? That’s a lot of hands. Don’t you appreciate the meaning of that song? Words of forgiving, loving more, living. Doesn’t that make you smile through tears knowing that there is a chance to do things right. Tell the people you love that you love them. Care for someone in need. Stop putting off that thing you’ve always dreamt of doing. When you’re working, give your all, but don’t let work cause you to neglect your family. Let go of the grudge or resentment you’ve been holding on. Forgiveness gives you peace. Get things right with God. Take a good long hard look in the mirror and say “I love you.”

I find many times my blog goes back to these same thoughts. Is it because I have a one track mind….lol…NO. It is I believe because we need to be reminded regularly how precious things are like life, love (and yes chocolate). And as humans, we need a lot of reminding, and it seems never learn our lesson the first time. Fact is….there is only ONE time at life, make it count.

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