

  1. The state of being free from tension and anxiety.
  2. Recreation or rest, esp. after a period of work.

Well you will be excited to learn that I am on vacation this week! I can hear the rush of cheers from the crowd at that thought. Thank you...thank you very much.

I'm staying home, puttering around the house. Made a small road trip this past weekend. Gonna catch a few movies. It's all about relaxation.

Have you ever noticed that a simple task like doing dishes or dusting during the normal work week seems like a huge task that you have to cram into your already overloaded schedule, but when you're on vacation, with time to spare, the same task seems like a breeze, even a small victory in the day? What's up with that? LoL.

I can't help but think that we go a little nuts sometime with all we....yes we....put into our weekly schedule. So to put it simple...RELAX PEOPLE...haha. When you're planning those things, ask yourself three questions...

1. Is it really necessary that I do this?
2. Is there an easier/faster way to do it?
3. Is there someone who can help me?

We only get one shot at a life, don't waste it or fill it with regret.

1 comment:

  1. Haha!! I was going to post a blog about this same topic but wasn't sure how to go about it. lol. Love it you hit the nail on this one. :-)


Time Marches On!

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