It's June 8th and it's 57 degrees outside! What's up with that??? In protest, I have refused to turn my heat back on. Just making sure I make a Mind you I should at least take the air conditioner out of the window, but what can I say, I'm a rebel!
If my big complaint is that it's cold outside, well I consider myself blessed. That means I'm inside and not living on the streets. I have all my fingers to type with, not having lost any fingers or limbs fighting for my country as so many soldiers have. I'm safe and many people can't say that!
The fact is, we like to complain. Some of us it's random like myself, for others, it's every word out of their mouth. I dare to think, what would it be like if every time someone was about to complain, they stopped and thought of something positive to say about the very thing they were going to complain about? If this became a habit. Then a lifestyle. Would we,
each one of us be happier? Would society as a whole be less disgruntled? Would people feel more loved and less condemned? Think about it....

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