Surprisingly a lot of us can say yes to that question.
Now the bigger questions. What are the chances you'd ever eat a bug? I mean if you stop to think about it, it's a pretty big world, and in comparison, we are pretty small. The bug, even smaller.
Think about it! A bug is minuscule compared to the billions and billions of miles of airspace he could have enjoyed, but NO, he's now a part of your digestive system. Somehow with all the possibilities, he ended up in your mouth. Well isn't it surprising it happens at all, if you really think about it, the chance of that happening should be real slim.
Maybe our deductive reasoning is on the blink?
I mean it's impossible, right?
Or is the impossible ... well ... possible?
Here's what I want you to think about next. Is there something you keep saying is impossible?
It's impossible:
I'm never going to get a raise.
I'm never going to get all this work done.
Noone is ever going to choose me.
I can't do anything right.
I'm sure I can go on and on with examples, but you get my point. Why not try something new? Try saying I'm going to, or I can, or I will. At least say there's a chance! Don't be the cause of your own feeling of hopelessness. If you want a chance, believe the impossible is possible.
I was reading online that roughly 114 prizes worth $1 million or more went unclaimed in 2015. Wow right! Now, are you wondering how many of them thought it wasn't possible that they won $1 million so they never checked their ticket? (And, no, I'm not telling you to go play the lottery...lol.)
Believe in possibility, why, because it has hope!
- a thing that may happen or be the case.
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