Taking my new keyboard for a test run

Well guess who got a new keyboard for her tablet!  If you guessed me, you guessed right.  I have to say I'm very happy with it.  My fingers are flying like shoes rushing to a shoe sale.  Now I can carry my tablet and keyboard with me easly to blog on the run!

Sometimes it the smallest things that can bring a much needed smile.  It wasn't a great day.  They can't all be great.  I'm happy to say though, the good days outweigh the bad days in my life and I'm thankful.

One funny thing is it did show me this snap shot of how some shortcuts on my keyboard work with the tabet.  While I appreciate the information, I would need to see that a dozen more times to remember all the shorcuts and images on that one page.  Apparently you can teach an old dog new tricks, but they need a cheat sheet. LoL

SO! Readers beware, I just might start blogging more now that I have this convenience.  No promises my blog will change your life, but as long as spell check is there for me, it shouldn't cause any harm.

Happy Clicking Fingertips

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